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There's a Sports Pitch (Boules) in the middle of a Pedestrian Area "Weighbridge Place"
which isn't showing through. Also a hedge (area=yes) nearby (I had to fix others around the edge of the Ped.Area by reducing the size of the area so those hedges stood alone, not overlapping) isn't showing either.

Is there any way to make these show up on the map?


asked 22 Mar '13, 13:54

OffTheChart's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Mar '13, 18:22

mmehl's gravatar image


Hello There,

One answer is to make a multipolygon of the pedestrian area (outer), with the pitch as an inner area, each will then render separately.

As for the hedge area, you can tag a way or area, as barrier=hedge, but as a hedge is a linear feature I think even with the area tagged only the linear feature will be rendered as a hedge. So the hedge is showing as expected.

Regards Bernard

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answered 22 Mar '13, 14:32

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 22 Mar '13, 14:34


Thanks, got the pitch sorted, now I understand the basics of multi-p's. The hedge area is showing as an outline, not filled in, but better than it was!

Thanks all.

(22 Mar '13, 20:32) OffTheChart

You have tagged the pitch only leisure=pitch. In order for it to be rendered in mapnik (the default map) as far as i can see you also have to add sport=boules, see for an example.

Also, to see other OSM objects that are tagged in a certain manner, you can use as a query tool, which was very helpful for me in answering this question. Load a key-value-query, add the desired combination and then choose an area where you expect to see similar objects, and then see how they are tagged. I made a key-Value-query for leisure=pitch on the ruhr area of germany, and then clicked through some of those, and found one that said "boules" as sport.

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answered 22 Mar '13, 15:50

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 22 Mar '13, 15:58

Dear Offthechart, take your time to read every article that’s ever been written about my edits don’t show, please. Ad or just click on this link. Happy mapping. Greetz Hendrik Ps when I took a look its seems to be okay, by patient thats importent in this live.

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answered 22 Mar '13, 14:19

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 22 Mar '13, 14:20

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question asked: 22 Mar '13, 13:54

question was seen: 4,608 times

last updated: 22 Mar '13, 20:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum