Sorry for asking (probably) very basic questions, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer in the help forum yet. Questions
By the way, I'm working on Mac OS X (because some render suggestions didn't work on Mac). Thank's in advance for any help! Mattias |
Hi umgmatts, did you try to get some info by using 'exporting OSM to MAC' and ask it at the blank window on top of this page ? And yes you did some questioning but still theyre a lot of answers to read, make a combination. The solution for the second part would be there too, just change the question in the window. Greetz Hendrik Thank's Hendrik for your answer. I expected one like this – yes of course I tried to find an answer by myself before. Searching for what you suggested (exporting OSM to MAC) shows me a lot of forum talk which does not help at all. Maybe I use the wrong tags to search, but than I'll need help with the keywords or asking the right question. Cheers, Mattias
(22 Mar '13, 12:18)
For the "OpenCycleMap" question: In german locale in the export tab i see " Karte (zeigt die Standardebene)" which means "Map (shows standard layer)". So, apparently, you cannot export OpenCycleMap map tiles from |
For the "remove all text" part: short of buying a PC and setting up your own renderer (like Maperitive, ) with rendering rules you could export the map as SVG and then manually delete all the labels. Or you could use Tilemill, , and create your rendering rules there. |
For exporting a map from, you can only get an image for the standard map style, not the Cycle Map. There are other ways for getting an image of the cycle map. The simplest would be to view the map, then press the "Print screen" button on your keyboard, then you can paste that into an image editor. Though this is limited by the resolution of your monitor, as to how much you can view at once. To get a larger image of the cycle map, you could use one of the services here: Static map images For a map without labels, you could try Multilingual OpenStreetMap on Toolserver. This has the labels as a separate layer, so you can switch them off using the layer switcher. As above, you can use Print Screen to get an image of this. I don't know of any way for getting a larger image from this map. |