I realized after reading this old question, 'how to tag a disused quarry', that we have sand, gravel and even peat pits, below the water level. Look here a sand pit, http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.00672&lon=6.06508&zoom=15&layers=M. I wouldn’t use quarry since it’s not an open air pit, any idea ? And after being disused or abandoned they’re reshaped into recreation areas, like this one http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.102&lon=5.81535&zoom=15&layers=M. Just ad the material sand, gravel as values to the key resource, with or without the remark below water level ? Greetz |
If it is converted into a recreation park or anything else, for example a campsite, area can be tagged for the current usage; either tourism=campsite or tourism=recreation. If it is unused, and the sand or gravel pits are underwater, in the above case, natural=shoal or similar tags can be used. |