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Under 'Blinkbonny Wood' by the track is a small disused quarry of a type that is everywhere round here (there is another a short way further south west along the track, just before Gala Law). The Wiki suggests disused:landuse=quarry. Using JOSM how do you enter that in the 'Add Value?' dialog box? I have put disused:landuse in the 'please select a key' and 'quarry' in the 'please select a value'. Is this the right way to do it? The Wiki is not very helpful in this respect. Nothing is displaying in OSM.

asked 21 Mar '13, 11:46

digby's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the quarry is disused, but still clearly visible (blocks of rock, no vegetation, maybe old machinery standing around), I would tag it as a normal quarry and add a note.

IMHO, landuse does not have anything to do with the current status of a business. As long as no new landuse is assigned, or it gets so destroyed that it would not be useable as a quarry (then it is maybe a brownfield?), it is still a quarry after all.

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answered 21 Mar '13, 12:38

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

How do you add a note? These historical quarries are generally very small and unused for years, but are a significant feature for navigation when walking etc.

(21 Mar '13, 12:45) digby

note= (e.g.) Quarry disused since 2006

(21 Mar '13, 13:34) moszkva ter

i'd tag it landuse=quarry and disused=yes disused:landuse=quarry, like this one .

permanent link

answered 21 Mar '13, 12:53

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 21 Mar '13, 14:17


note that according to, disused=yes is no longer recommended. disused:landuse=quarry would be the recommended way to tag

(21 Mar '13, 13:55) neuhausr

As I said... disused:landuse=quarry. Which returns us to my original question.

(21 Mar '13, 14:13) digby

Using JOSM as I've already described in the question the tag ends up as disused:landuse: quarry, whereas in your example and on the wiki it's disused:landuse=quarry. How to end up with the latter is part of the question.

(21 Mar '13, 15:25) digby

To clarify, what's being suggested here currently is this:

screenshot of suggested tags as they appear in JOSM

(21 Mar '13, 15:36) SomeoneElse ♦

Hmm. Although I'm using a mac so the dialog looks different, that is what I am entering. I wonder why mine ends up with the colon instead of the equals

(21 Mar '13, 15:42) digby

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question asked: 21 Mar '13, 11:46

question was seen: 27,638 times

last updated: 21 Mar '13, 15:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum