I'm an aerial photographer who want to extract street names from OSM corresponding to my photographed area. How would I go about this? Is there software available for this at all? Thanks |
Use the Overpass API for that. You will need the lat/lon coordinates of your picture frame corners. Then pass them to Overpass API, along with your query, and parse the generated XML/JSON. You'll probably want ways tagged with highway=... and name=... You'll get that with a query like
Find a reference of the language used for querying overpass api at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Language_Guide If you want to draw the streets overlain on your photo, you'll probably be best off with e.g. Quantum GIS/ArcGIS as a tool. Quality of the result will depend on how good the georeferencing of your photo is. This will be quite difficult if you don't have any background in GIS. |