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I've corrected the coastline from aerial imagery and although the breakwaters show correctly the land hasn't moved even though I altered the coastline tag.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

asked 17 Mar '13, 15:35

Norfolkadam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Norfolkadam, There a good possible explanation at the following address Ps your tagged the breakwater as breakwater is not the tag reinforced slopes more appropriate ? Greetz Hendrik

PPss it looks good from here !

permanent link

answered 17 Mar '13, 15:46

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 17 Mar '13, 15:48


Ah excelent, thanks for the response, I'm so used to everything taking a few minutes to show on Mapnik I had a bit of a heart attack and thought I'd mis-tagged it or needed to import something to alter the coastline.

I appreciate the speedy response and I'll take another look at the breakwaters.


(17 Mar '13, 15:56) Norfolkadam

Hi, welcome and enjoy your work at OSM.

(17 Mar '13, 16:05) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 17 Mar '13, 15:35

question was seen: 1,743 times

last updated: 17 Mar '13, 16:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum