Is there an access tag for a free roaming area, track or path, to designate the special type of area to roam around ? You’ll enter the area mostly through a gate but after that your free to go as you like and take the exit on the other side. And if there no such key and value combination should not it be so ? I thought about 2 options tag the area with the key leisure and value roaming or one of the possible tracks key highway value roaming. Greetz |
In England and Wales we now have a lot of this land, and it has an official legal status under the CROW Act of 2000. It is known as Access Land: I discussed some of the issues with mapping this type of land in my blog: My example was mapped using a relation. However, the The basic principle - building a polygon with tag In the Netherlands there areas where youre allowed to go anywhere, roaming or struinen (Nld) and on tracks as Klompenpaden (Wooden shoes). The last ones come with the allowance to cross farmland from A to B. Therefore I asked for 2 tags at the same time. And yes Andy I know the British right of way and the Allemans right in Scandinavia. The south bank or border of the river is a designated and marked as a free roaming field. And on the north bank to the west ther's a track designed as Struinpad from one farm to another.
(16 Mar '13, 21:00)
Besides the suggestion in this answer, I would also add paths or ways in this area with a highway-tag and appropriate access tags. So it is clear how to walk around, and maybe this area can also be used for transit? The area itself should not have a highway-tag. Reason: If it is rainy, I would like to know what is the best way to walk without spoiling my shoes. Also, if someone is ill inside this area, what is the best way for the ambulance to go there?
(19 Mar '13, 11:02)
moszkva ter
Hi Moszkva ter, I would almost say come over and take a hike. The fun of roaming areas is the lack of tracks with lots of grass and low on ways. Tag the way into the area but that’s it. Water or rain are a minor problem, ticks will, use boots or watertight shoes. Fi a Scandinavian or alpine territory tour/hike gets you in a day far from any road (20 - 30 km) or even a transmitter! In case of emergency try to call 911 for help and you might get a heliflight out.
(19 Mar '13, 11:48)
The one area I have mapped like this does also show the paths (although not those of the sheep). So this usage does not preclude normal mapping of highways if they exist.
(19 Mar '13, 20:12)
SK53 ♦
When I walked in the lake district off the usual paths I connected both ends of path as I assumed routing engines would not work through open land, or does it? I also thought practical ways through rough ground should be on the map. Mud free in open land? only if you are very lucky.
(19 Mar '13, 20:18)
andy mackey
-> Hendrikklaas: I live in a country, where you can roam around freely across any woodland or grassland you may find. Therefore we don't need any designated "free roaming zones". As the question was about them, which are clearly signed, I suspected them to be some kind of park, or at least maintained (paths you can but don't need to use, info signposts, some ranger service etc.) Hi your lucky. Our home made country is filled with farmland and yards and a little bit of nature. Were glad if were allowed to roam for a while without a path. Andy's remark was a good one if its routed. Happy tour Hendrik
(21 Mar '13, 11:31)
Can you give an example? You can always create a closed way and add the highway tag and additionally area=yes.
In GB we have areas classified as access land, which have come about from common land (land shared by the village in old times often community cattle grazing) and national parks often land on hills not used for crops but usually used for sheep. In these areas we are allowed to roam freely, with few restrictions, off and on the paths. A polygon tagged as access land may be the answer. Ideally it would be rendered. On Ordnance Survey maps its a yellowish area.
I found few uses of "access land" and even more of "common access land" examples by using the search box
"public access" is also used