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When using Openlayers.Layer.Osm and Openlayers.Control.Attribution, the attribution information shows

Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap

But OpenStreetMap has changed to ODBL license.

UPDATED I am using data from OSM and tiles from mapnik, how do i attribute both at once?

asked 14 Mar '13, 05:05

amritkarma's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 18 Mar '13, 09:31

That's correct. The latest stable release (2.12) still has an outdated layer attribution. Yet this has already been fixed in the repository about 6 months ago. You can apply this change in your version manually or use the development version from GitHub.

permanent link

answered 14 Mar '13, 07:16

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


To answer your edit, there is an example attribution image shown at

(14 Mar '13, 11:44) EdLoach ♦

Which matches the updated OpenLayers attribution :)

(14 Mar '13, 15:48) scai ♦

Github version says, resource identified as js but transferred with mime type as html. what is work around this?

(18 Mar '13, 09:30) amritkarma

What exactly are you trying to download? You can get the single file containing the layer attribution text or the whole OpenLayers project as a zip. But remember that his is not a stable release.

(18 Mar '13, 10:04) scai ♦

i was trying to add the script file directly (using html script tag), no more needed now, i changed the attribution info in app.

(21 Mar '13, 04:09) amritkarma

map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OSM",null,{attribution: "© OpenStreetMap contributors (ODbL)"}));

(15 Jul '13, 08:55) amritkarma
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question asked: 14 Mar '13, 05:05

question was seen: 4,215 times

last updated: 15 Jul '13, 08:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum