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What does vehicle = "no" mean? documentation says that vehicle tag is for access permission for all vehicles. So, I assume when it says vehicle = "yes", it means that all types of vehicles like trucks, cars, buses, emergency vehicles, bicycles, etc... have access. But what does vehicle = "no" mean? does it mean that not "all" types have access or "NO" types of vehicles allowed? If its not types of vehicles, does that include bicycles, pedestrians? or is it just motorized vehicles?

Thanks in advance.

asked 12 Mar '13, 18:49

kcjailbirds's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The wiki page about the access key has a nice transportation mode hierarchy. The tree shows that the vehicle key both includes motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles but not pedestrians.

vehicle=no forbids all motorized and non-motorized vehicles unless specified otherwise.

vehicle=yes allows all motorized and non-motorized vehicles unless specified otherwise.


  • vehicle=no, psv=yes would forbid all motorized and non-motorized vehicles except those for public services (bus, taxi)
  • vehicle=yes, hgv=no would allow all motorized and non-motorized vehicles except heavy goods vehicles


@Andy I'm going to reply to your comment in my question because more users might be interested in country-specific access restrictions. The wiki has a whole page about default and country-specific implicit access restrictions. But I don't know of any worldwide (online) router taking care of all these different rules. Most of them will just use the default access restrictions.

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answered 12 Mar '13, 21:10

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 14 Mar '13, 07:25

An exceptions in England if not other countries is bridleways do not allow vehicles but do allow cycles, foot and horses. Motorways sensibly exclude cycles, foot and horses which I assume applies in the most of Europe, or does it?

(12 Mar '13, 22:54) andy mackey

vehicle=no means no vehicles are allowed. "Vehicles" generally includes bicycles, but excludes wheelchairs and strollers. A pedestrian is not a vehicle.

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answered 12 Mar '13, 20:53

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

edited 12 Mar '13, 23:09

Thank you!

(12 Mar '13, 21:09) kcjailbirds

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question asked: 12 Mar '13, 18:49

question was seen: 4,443 times

last updated: 14 Mar '13, 07:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum