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I am following the instructions for adding data on Potlatch but I cannot find the edit save or edit live buttons - can anyone help?

asked 11 Mar '13, 14:08

dbmcoptom's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Mar '13, 14:48

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Which instructions are you following? It sounds like those instructions are out of date, and referring to Potlatch v1.

This has now been replaced with Potlatch v2, which doesn't have an 'edit live' mode. So just go to and click edit, it will start Potlatch 2 in 'edit with save' mode. None of your edits will be saved until you click the "Save" button in the top left corner.

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '13, 14:43

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 11 Mar '13, 14:08

question was seen: 2,895 times

last updated: 11 Mar '13, 14:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum