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I have all the locations of streets, addresses, places, in Lebanon, a Country in the Middle East. These locations are of decimal degrees format. I am trying to create a search button that you can type the location you want and it will navigate you to the desired location. This mapping tool and the Gecoder part will be embedded in my website.

Note that I am working Mapbox and TileMill.

can anyone tell me the this can be done????!!!!

All my best,

Said Abou Kharroub

asked 11 Mar '13, 08:43

Said%20Abou%20Kharroub's gravatar image

Said Abou Kh...
accept rate: 0%

closed 12 Mar '13, 14:10

Pieren's gravatar image



first I would recomment that you edit your question and remove your email addresses, because spam crawler will collect them perhabs, and the OSM community will answer in a kind of posting on this site and not per email.

Secondly, tell us where OSM data or maps derived from OSM data should play a role. Do you need a map underlay, a geocoder, or POI adress data from OSM?

So an example with more details would be helpful.

If you need professionals: OSM wiki -> Companies

(11 Mar '13, 18:47) stephan75

The question has been closed for the following reason "Not relevant for OpenStreetMap help site." by Pieren 12 Mar '13, 14:10

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question asked: 11 Mar '13, 08:43

question was seen: 2,459 times

last updated: 12 Mar '13, 14:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum