can anyone post a link to download a jar file for jxmapviewer ? |
After some digging I found SwingLabs and JXMapViewer at . Probably you need SwingX and SwingX-ws, which can be obtained (hopefully) from . I am not sure why you needed to dig - I already mentioned this, but have made if more clear now. ;-)
(08 Mar '13, 11:15)
aseerel4c26 ♦
My google-fu was impaired today. I lost myself i a maze of nonworking links, references to which would'n load and all that other stuff...
(08 Mar '13, 13:32)
probably due to the apparently recent server move of (see notice on top of ). Following the link in this notice I (currently) end at: (which is a working jar file download)
(08 Mar '13, 15:24)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Found via our docu wiki's search function: JMapViewer See section "releases" - it links to zip download (which contain the jar you search for). Also the first hit in a google or bing search. ;-) Did you search for something different? Based on the half (please also change the title) question update to "jxmapviewer" instead of "JMapViewer": Well, which program do you mean? Searching for jxmapviewer in our wiki bring me to JXMapViewer. Which shows no further link (currently, I will update the page if that link works for you, please comment).