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"Fig. 7. The cubed sphere grid mapping maps the six faces of a cube to the surface of a sphere. The specific mapping shown here is non-orthogonal and generates a grid that varies less than 30% in grid cell area." alt text

For my purposes, I am looking for tile data based on this type of model/projection. A: Does a project like this exist? B: If it does not exist, is anyone interested in working on this projection with me? For my own opensource project, I wish to create just the cube seeing as I am rendering square tiles.

asked 06 Mar '13, 17:02

Akiva's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Do you have a source for that? I've seen something similar as an art project here:

(10 Mar '13, 09:50) emj

Wow, thats pretty neat

I'll give you the source within a source;

(10 Mar '13, 16:27) Akiva

Question "A": I've seen no tile server serving cubic globes.

But I'm sorry this is not a question about Openstreetmap, so you will not get an answer here. I did find some links that might help you:

  • use mercator instead check out how the slippy map work, especially how tile names are generated, they are vertically and horizontally aligned.
  • if you don't like that read up on projections on wikipedia, mercator vs. gnomic
  • there are people on the net that has done this.
  • You could try asking on gis.stackexchange they are probably better at open ended questions.
permanent link

answered 13 Mar '13, 08:46

emj's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 13 Mar '13, 08:49

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question asked: 06 Mar '13, 17:02

question was seen: 4,276 times

last updated: 13 Mar '13, 08:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum