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Can anyone explain why this NP still isn't rendered after one month?

Other Np's with the same tags are rendered fine but this one doesn't.

asked 03 Mar '13, 13:38

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

closed 06 Mar '13, 08:26

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by ligfietser 06 Mar '13, 08:26

If (as sugested by a comment to scai's answer) this was a database problem, it could have been related to the rendering problem that occured after the node numbers reached the signed/unsigned 32 bit boundary. The nodes in the ways making up the boundary were created just after this occured (10 Feb 2013) so their tiles may have been affected in the same way that some of mine were. ( see )

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answered 05 Mar '13, 14:59

srbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 06 Mar '13, 14:59

Thanks, it was probably a database problem, with type=boundary it still renders.

(06 Mar '13, 08:23) ligfietser

As far as I can tell boundary names are only rendered on zoom levels 8-11. Your area seems to be rather small so maybe the text just doesn't fit on the map. But this is just a guess.

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answered 03 Mar '13, 16:44

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

This one is even smaller, and even the tiny polygon gets a name

(03 Mar '13, 18:24) ligfietser

Then it could be a problem with the data in the database. Try touching it to upload a new version. This might fix the problem.

(03 Mar '13, 18:26) scai ♦

Ok, lets see.. I changed the type=boundary into type=multipolgon, maybe this helps?

(03 Mar '13, 18:32) ligfietser

Now it renders. I hope this change was really necessary and not just tagging for the renderer.

(04 Mar '13, 07:05) scai ♦

Thanks Scai, I can try to reset it back to type=boundary to see if it still renders.

(04 Mar '13, 10:36) ligfietser

Maybe it's good to add a note to the object saying "retagged, see <link to="" this="" question="">".

(04 Mar '13, 20:22) gormo

It still renders after you changed it back to type=boundary so it seems like there was a problem in the database.

(05 Mar '13, 07:29) scai ♦
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question asked: 03 Mar '13, 13:38

question was seen: 3,976 times

last updated: 06 Mar '13, 14:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum