When I tried to export to an OSM file, I got a "Web page Not Found" web page. Is there a link missing?
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If you are really getting "page not found" then I think it must be some sort of local problem with your browser or a proxy between you and the server. If you're getting some other sort of error then you need to provide the details. Certainly I've just tried it and it is working for me. I am really getting "page not found". You are probably right. Don't know what the problem might be between the browser and proxy or me and server. I know I can get to any other page from here. I will try to relocate and try it from there.
(07 Jan '11, 15:59)
When you click the export button you should get redirected to a URL that looks something like this: http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=-0.006285,51.763626,-0.002707,51.766266 Does that URL work for you?
(07 Jan '11, 16:00)
TomH ♦♦
Tom, that URL works for me but this - which I generated by suing the "export" tool in Openstreetmap - does not: http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=9.2483,45.8128,9.4079,45.8965
(12 Aug '15, 12:39)
That area is too large/complicated to export in that way - it exceeds the limit of 50000 nodes.
(12 Aug '15, 12:53)
TomH ♦♦
Yes, you missed to put the link here you tried to download. :-) If we don't know what you did, we can not help you. 1
Sure. If you click on the export tab you get to choose the bounding box parameters you want to export and then there is an "export" button. If I enter the bounding box parameters and click "export" that is what takes me to "web page not found"
(07 Jan '11, 15:21)
Oh yes I also click on the "OpenStreetMap XML Data" selection before hitting the "export" button
(07 Jan '11, 15:24)
As I keep asking, what URL is showing in your browser at that point. That is to say, WHAT PAGE IS NOT FOUND.
(15 Mar '12, 12:52)
TomH ♦♦
please let us know what you want to do with the data - do you want to store it into a db?
(20 May '14, 22:24)
This problem occurs when the area selected is too big. For small areas it works fine. Ideally there should be a check or some warning if the application is not able to handle large areas selected on the map. May be the developer community have a look at it.
permanent link
This answer is marked "community wiki".
This link will help if you want to download data for larger area: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Downloading_data
(26 Mar '13, 12:57)
... now there is:
(02 Dec '13, 16:51)
SomeoneElse ♦
I'm a nOOb here, but am having the same problem exporting OSM data
Here is the web page that is not found:
Also, the area that one may select is fairly small, perhaps 50 x 25 miles.
I have the same problem. Takes me already hours teo find out that its not working... idea???
Adding a "me too" answer (which clearly is no answer at all) doesn't help anybody. If you want to help try answering the question I asked in my comment above, or report this through a bug report channel like trac.openstreetmap.org.
to be more specific then: (the comment below is abracadabra for me)
"The OpenStreetMap server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request (HTTP 500) Feel free to contact the OpenStreetMap community if your problem persists. Make a note of the exact URL / post data of your request. This may be a problem in our Ruby On Rails code. 500 occurs with exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code)"
An exception like that is rather different to a "page not found" error. Having looked at the logs I think that you most likely weren't selecting a format before clicking "Export" and I have now deployed a fix to disable the button until a format is selected,
in my computer it does not work either, I tried several times, To answer your Question: there are no URL s showing anywhere, just the noticication that it cannot be reached.
i selected XML, and I could only select a tiny part , Garmin Top Maps cover the half of France or Switzerland... If it only works with 15- 20 km it is no use using these maps although they are better than the 25 K's from Garmin.
and by the way: still exporting does not work at all, any way i made a selection... Also tried another browser, and another computer at work on a completely different location.
I am having the same issue. When I try to export the URL i get is http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/finish
Perhaps you could give a permalink to the area that you're trying to export, and also say zoom level you are at and what format you are trying to use?
I've just done a quick .osm and .svg export and both worked OK.
Which (for completeness) is also mentioned in this question and there was caused by trying to export too large an area. It's not a "real" page not found - I suspect more likely some browser timeout issue.
please let us know what you want to do with the data - do you want to store it into a db?
I have the same problem with OSM-Export. Although the notification was placed, that the aera is not too big for Export, nothing has happened. The URL for export was: http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/map?bbox=15.7338,46.6824,16.2749,47.0832 Then I get a blank page in the browser window and that's all. How can I solve this problem? Because I need just an aera of 40x50km. What's the maximum size for a direct download on openstreetmap.org?
@speedbiker: I also get a blank page at your URL. I guess it is simply too much data. Note that you are accessing the API which is made for editing – but not for data consuments. Try https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Planet.osm#Country_and_area_extracts