Why does the background colour change in Mapnik from zoom level 18 to 17? Example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-26.83108&lon=-65.19923&zoom=18&layers=M http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-26.83108&lon=-65.19923&zoom=17&layers=M "Background" changes from grey to violet / pink. The behaviour is the same in this area for IE8 and FF3.6 . |
That seems to be a bug in the renderer or an old style-file for this tile. That should be fixed soon. If nor or if you notice other bugs you can report them at the trac. Select "mapnik" as Component. I think the problem is now solved.
(24 Feb '11, 13:13)
The trac ticket linked below is still open, and the area linked in the ticket is still affected.
(25 Feb '11, 00:04)
Where is this area exactly. Because I get for both tiles which a rendered in grey. Could you please check again?
(25 Feb '11, 08:00)
trac ticket linked in the answer below.
(25 Feb '11, 11:15)
@dieterdreist: Yes, but still no reason to vote down the question.
(05 Mar '11, 00:05)
The problem persists in other areas: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-1.20704&lon=116.82483&zoom=17&layers=M http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-2.85286&lon=-78.99426&zoom=17&layers=M
(14 Mar '11, 13:18)
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EDIT: there is a trac ticket for it it's apparently all over the world. I don't think this is a stylesheet issue. I rerendered both zoom layers today: |
Although the areas you linked are not longer affected, there are many others that are still affected:
I have not clue if it is related, but the North Pole and South Pole are rendered close to Africa:
Thank you for adding a comment to the respectiv trac: http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3441