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when I add POIs there are some details I want to add like house no., wereda no.,and etc but the device allow me only a name and phone no. is there a way to add some fields?

asked 28 Feb '13, 15:46

AddisMap%20Meti's gravatar image

AddisMap Meti
accept rate: 0%


What exact device are you using and what software on the device?

(28 Feb '13, 18:09) gormo

What is the relation of your question to OpenStreetMap?

(28 Feb '13, 21:16) aseerel4c26 ♦

Assuming you are collecting POIs in the field during a survey and will later add them to OSM on via JOSM or Potlach:

I have a very simple GPS device that will not even let me add name and phone number, I use waypoints. Waypoints can be added even on the simplest Garmin device. The name of the waypoint is free text, so you can add whatever information you want. However the text has a limited length. You could also use the description field of the waypoint to add even more information, but then you have to change the JOSM configuration a bit, as the description is not displayed by default.

This technique will also work in the other direction. You can create a GPX file with waypoints from OSM data. This requires some programming in e.g. python

permanent link

answered 01 Mar '13, 04:30

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 28 Feb '13, 15:46

question was seen: 2,322 times

last updated: 01 Mar '13, 04:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum