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Hi, OpenStreetMap is showing a red dotted line which I took to be a "Footpath" through GORDALE SCAR, MALHAM, YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND which I came 'down' on Monday 25 February 2013. There are broken and smashed up stone steps in the very steep bank coming down from the top and a lot of loose stone / scree; but once you arrive down at the big waterfall, you have to rock climb, out, over and down a very large rock face which is about 12 to 18 metres high, there are no steps and no path. Tthere is no way that a footpath should be showing running all the way through this Scar. How is this corrected please?

MapswithMe which uses this data, has a solid red line up to Gordale Scar, then a dotted blue line through the climbing section mentioned above, then a dotted red line to the top of the scar.

asked 27 Feb '13, 13:56

Downderryboy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 May '14, 11:26

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


You might be referring to this footpath? You'll notice that the mapping includes:

description = Definitely a climb but simple. Care needed when water running in spate.
sac_scale = demanding_alpine_hiking
(27 Feb '13, 14:05) SomeoneElse ♦

Thank you, but on an iphone 4 in freezing conditions demanding alpine hiking did not show up!

(27 Feb '13, 22:10) Downderryboy

OpenStreetMap data in this location appears to be correct in that there is a public footpath (designation = public_footpath) along that route. Ordnance Survey mapping agrees.

If the path is not maintained to your satisfaction, don't shoot the messenger. Instead, you should complain to the Rights of Way service for the area in question. Malham is in North Yorkshire so you should contact the RoW team at North Yorkshire County Council.

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answered 27 Feb '13, 16:22

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you will contact NYCC

(27 Feb '13, 22:10) Downderryboy

There are differences between the map shown on the main page and the data stored in the database.

One difference is: not every detail stored in the database is shown on the main map.

In your example the database contains information about the path segment you mention, but these details are not rendered on the main map.

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answered 27 Feb '13, 17:33

mmehl's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 27 Feb '13, 17:35


Sorry but I do not understand this comment; however lesson learnt that I should only use the iphone map as a guide and that in future I need to buy a proper OS map, do more research, etc.Thank you

(27 Feb '13, 22:16) Downderryboy

If you are going walking in the hills, you need a map for that purpose. General maps derived from OSM are definitely only suitable as a guideline. There are specialist maps on Garmin for Mountain biking, there is no reason why this should not be possible for hill walking.

As others have said the Ordnance Survey map does not provide more info about the path at Gordale Scar (although contours & other detail suggest it might be not be straightforward). This is true of other places in the UK: Lords Rake, Jack's Rake, Crib Goch, the Bad Step in the Cuillin. All are just marked as paths.

(07 May '14, 21:52) SK53 ♦

Hi Downderryboy, Should not your remarks have been send to the following address ? Now you’re telling the people who made a map, that the path wasn’t up to your expectations as indicated by the map. Did you any other research in advance before you went on your way ? Happy Tour

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answered 27 Feb '13, 15:27

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

No research, just me trusting the map on my iphone, no harm came to me luckily.

(27 Feb '13, 22:12) Downderryboy

Hi trust me studying your trip or trail is half of the fun. I once met some hikers, climbing a trail in Norway and guided by a road map good for cars, the trail or track was on the map. Happy Tours.

(27 Feb '13, 23:14) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 27 Feb '13, 13:56

question was seen: 4,067 times

last updated: 07 May '14, 21:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum