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I am trying to build mod_tile on my RHEL5 Tile Server. Attempting to modify these instructions: for RHEL5, and installing Mapnik from these instructions: I finally have created a static image with mapnik0.7.3. However now I am trying to build mod_tile, with:

./ \ --with-libmapnik=/opt/mapnik/mapnik-seven/lib64 \ --with-boost=no \ --with-apxs=/opt/mapnik/bin/apxs \ --with-boost-libdir=/opt/mapnik/lib

./configure \ --with-libmapnik=/opt/mapnik/mapnik-seven/lib64 \ --with-boost=no \ --with-apxs=/opt/mapnik/bin/apxs \ --with-boost-libdir=/opt/mapnik/lib

Now when I issue 'make' I get this mess:

make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory /opt/mapnik/src/mod_tile' Making all in iniparser3.0b make[2]: Entering directory/opt/mapnik/src/mod_tile/iniparser3.0b' if --tag=CC --mode=compile gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -O3 -MT iniparser.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/iniparser.Tpo" -c -o iniparser.lo test -f 'src/iniparser.c' || echo './'src/iniparser.c; \ then mv -f ".deps/iniparser.Tpo" ".deps/iniparser.Plo"; else rm -f ".deps/iniparser.Tpo"; exit 1; fi /bin/sh: --tag=CC: command not found make[2]: [iniparser.lo] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory /opt/mapnik/src/mod_tile/iniparser3.0b' make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory/opt/mapnik/src/mod_tile' make: [all] Error 2

I am at my wit's end. I am a linux newbie so don't assume I know or did anything ;-)

asked 25 Feb '13, 22:11

maw269's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Feb '13, 22:12

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question asked: 25 Feb '13, 22:11

question was seen: 2,811 times

last updated: 25 Feb '13, 22:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum