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I live in Parla, and i Birth in Rio Duero Street ( calle rioduero) is bewteern calle real and calle de Rio ebro, but I see only a block and these block have a street in middle :,-3.768423&spn=0.002813,0.005681&hnear=Calle+R%C3%ADo+Duero,+28981+Parla,+Madrid&gl=es&t=m&z=18

asked 25 Feb '13, 20:53

darkvid2012's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First, I want to welcome you to the OpenStreetMap community.

I don't want to rob you of your first edit. Don't be afraid to get your feet wet. Here are some links to guide you through the process.

First sign up

Second, log in and zoom to your location.

Third click the edit tab at the top of the map, It now should load Potlach 2 and you should see the map and a satellite map background. For more information on how to edit with Potlach 2 read more here

Fourth, just click on your road and then there should be an area that has name, you then just Type in your street name as the street sign reads(no abbreviations) and then click save in the upper right hand corner. You now would have your first edit. Good luck and the best of wishes for you.

permanent link

answered 25 Feb '13, 23:05

redsteakraw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


and, since @darkvid2012 linked to google maps: please do not use other maps (like google maps) for your contributions here. Just go outside and read the street names on the signs. Yes, @darkvid2012 said it is "[his] street", so of course he knows the name and where it is - so it is fine to add it in that case. ¡Bienvenido a OSM! :-)

(25 Feb '13, 23:42) aseerel4c26 ♦

You can add it yourself: Beginners' guide in Spanish

permanent link

answered 25 Feb '13, 20:58

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 25 Feb '13, 20:53

question was seen: 3,896 times

last updated: 26 Feb '13, 19:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum