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In my city, there are many parking which are only for two wheelers (Motor bikes & Scooters, not cycles) while others are restricted to only 4 Wheelers.

How do I tag these amenities and differentiate between these two?

asked 25 Feb '13, 04:52

Devdatta's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Feb '13, 10:57

mmehl's gravatar image


For 2-wheel parking use amenity=motorcycle_parking has 1016 uses on taginfo

For car parking where motorcycles are not permitted I'd suggest using motorcycle=no. The motorcycle access tag has 636 uses in combination with parking on taginfo.

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answered 25 Feb '13, 10:32

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Hi Devdatta, It depends on local laws. In some country's theres a law stating no parking allowed for 2 wheel motor vehicles (mc) in any parking space. So your allowed to park your vehicle anywhere else as long as it gives no trouble. In modern times they make special places in lost corners to prevent wild parking situations. I would use to tag, a place with no 2 wheelers parking, just that parking space with mc - no and is if it is allowed mc - yes and ad the other tags. Just accordingly to the tag scheme. Greetz ps this link could help a bit

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answered 25 Feb '13, 10:09

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 25 Feb '13, 04:52

question was seen: 3,286 times

last updated: 25 Feb '13, 10:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum