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I can see my street and its name, but can't get any results when I search with my postcode here. It is a new built property, so takes sometime, but if I want to add/insert my postcode to the correct part of road, how can I do that?

asked 04 Jan '11, 14:48

Dhaval's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've just moved into a newly-built apartment building. The building has a dedicated postcode, so I've added the postcode to the information for the building. When I search for the postcode in "View" mode, nothing comes up. Does it take a while for additions to start appearing in search results?

(09 May '12, 16:27) nlittlejohns

Yes, it does.

(10 May '12, 09:09) Richard ♦

Thanks for confirming, Richard!!

(10 May '12, 12:43) nlittlejohns

You can use either postal_code or addr:postcode to add postcodes.

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answered 04 Jan '11, 16:01

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

yes but how does one add postal_code?

(27 Sep '11, 16:47) Graham Wells

Assuming you're using the Potlatch 2 editor (the default one on the site):

  1. Select the item (e.g. a road)
  2. Click 'Advanced' (bottom left)
  3. Click 'Add' to add a new tag
  4. Type 'postal_code' in the left-hand column, and then the postcode itself in the right-hand column
(27 Sep '11, 19:26) Richard ♦

Postal codes are assigned to sides of streets, large buildings, offices in buildings, it is more appropriate to add it to an area or node rather than the street itself.

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answered 29 Sep '11, 17:43

Sundance's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

Assuming this is about UK postcodes, then the combination of house number (or name) together with the postcode should be sufficient to uniquely specify it. Thus, the majority of UK postcodes designate streets. To quote from Wikipedia:

Each postcode unit generally represents a street, part of a street, a single address, a group of properties, a single property, a sub-section of the property, an individual organisation or (for instance Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) a subsection of the organisation. The level of discrimination is often based on the amount of mail received by the premises or business.

(22 May '17, 15:47) Brian de Ford

I added the postcode for my apartment building a few weeks ago (it's a new build with a dedicated postcode). Richard indicated that it would take some time before the postcode would start showing up in search results, but it's still not coming up. How long does it usually take?

Thanks in advance!

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answered 29 May '12, 17:27

nlittlejohns's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Jan '11, 14:48

question was seen: 9,914 times

last updated: 22 May '17, 15:47

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