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I've dragged over a few Castle Tags onto the map a couple of days ago, but they haven't shown up on the live map. They are still on my edit map. Why has this happened? Thanks

asked 23 Feb '13, 11:48

tairmuir's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Tairmuir, please ad a link to your post. So anyone could have a look at the possible problem and tell you the solution. Greetz Hendrik

(23 Feb '13, 12:27) Hendrikklaas

Hendrik, this link by changing XXXXX to a user name will find all of their edits

(23 Feb '13, 15:31) andy mackey

Hi Andy, Thanks I didnt use that kind of link before. Im dont travel around OSM to control the system or its members, there lot of active contollers garding OSM. Hi Tairmuir, I should say welcome to you as a NB, youve been quit active in a few days. I didnt find the missing spots but I found at least 3 loose nodes just above this green triangel, here, I connected the stream to the drain, by placing the nodes on top of eachother and press j. Greetz

(23 Feb '13, 16:24) Hendrikklaas

I guess you are talking about this changeset.

Besides your problem I see several duplicated objects there. For example this node which has already been added as a way in 2011 (but misses the castle tag). Please try to avoid creating duplicated objects. Also whenever possible try to add ways (outlines) instead of single nodes because they provide more detail (and are also nicer to view on the map :)).

(23 Feb '13, 17:54) scai ♦

I think it's just the case that the default map doesn't render nodes tagged with historic=castle. It can't render everything.


permanent link

answered 23 Feb '13, 17:18

sdoerr's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

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question asked: 23 Feb '13, 11:48

question was seen: 2,231 times

last updated: 23 Feb '13, 18:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum