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This is a weirdly specific question, sorry. I'm running an Ubuntu system on an iMac, so I have a mouse that has buttons on the side, and if you squeeze them to side-click, that's sending a particular kind of mouse event (specifically, xev says it's registering as button 8, if you can believe it). It doesn't do anything in most places. But when I'm in the regular map layer of OSM, if I side-click, it starts up Potlatch, just as if I'd clicked "Edit".

The problem is, this happens very often unintentionally, and I'd really rather just turn it off. Is there any way to do that? Ubuntu doesn't seem to have any controls to handle this weird button, and neither does OSM or Potlatch that I can see.

asked 23 Feb '13, 00:04

blahedo's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

I'm not an Ubuntu expert, but this guide (admittedly for 10.04) suggests you might find a .conf file where you can set ButtonMapping - I'm guessing you'd replace an 8 by a 0 to disable it (assuming you don't need to use it in other applications).

If you do need it to work in other applications then we probably also need to know the browser you are using and version of Ubuntu and the browser, and even then this might possibly be slightly off-topic for these forums.

I recently had problems with my mouse (in Opera on Windows) doing forward or back if I managed to press both left and right buttons at the same time (forward or back depending which was pressed first). This was an Opera feature I have since disabled.

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answered 23 Feb '13, 08:19

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 23 Feb '13, 00:04

question was seen: 3,977 times

last updated: 23 Feb '13, 08:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum