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Hi! I wonder why OpenStreetMap doesn't show road numbers in one specific place, despite "ref" tag?? The problem is that near Poznań is a motorway stretch with three numbers (the motorway and two express roads) - A2, S5 and S11. The motorway stretch with this combination has ref tag set to "A2;S5;S11" but OSM isn't showing it. What's going on? (zoom in and compare with stretches with ref set to A2;S5 and A2;S11 .

Please help me to find out what's the reason and help fix it!

asked 21 Feb '13, 19:36

miko101's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please specify the OSM id of the specific object you mean.

Basically, if the road is tagged correctly all is well. If some renderer is not rendering some specific tag thats a problem of the renderer. OSM contributors should not attempt to tag for the renderer, but tag so that the tags reflect the real world.

To see what a different renderer looks like in your area have a look at the MapQuest Open tiles: . Maybe they look nicer to you.

permanent link

answered 21 Feb '13, 20:13

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


1) Here you have OSM IDs of the road (separated by space): 15225118 38291861 15225115 15225121 4705908 39413962 39413987 23012744 23012747 (bridge over river) 23012741 (also the bridge) 23012742 38291983 38291982 23012756 23012755 204561143 204561148 204561149 204561147 23012757 161310080 23012753 161310081 and 175588323 .

2) I've looked on the link you provided and I like how MapQuest renders multiple road numbers (but it showed only two of three - A2 and S5) - tiled and without any separator (even for European roads).

(22 Feb '13, 19:13) miko101

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question asked: 21 Feb '13, 19:36

question was seen: 2,768 times

last updated: 22 Feb '13, 19:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum