There are many temples or wats in Thailand, almost all of which have a separate tower structure, sometimes gold plated, that is known as a chedi or in other parts of the world as a stupa. These are prominent features and because separate from the actual place_of_worship building, might deserve their own tags. I can find no reference to either term in OSM Taginfo on in this help forum. Any suggestions? asked 21 Feb '13, 14:03 AlaskaDave |
Add it to the table on the Tag:man_made=tower page, after you've mapped more than a handfull. answered 21 Feb '13, 17:02 cartinus Thanks cartinus. I have already tagged a few stupas with the man_made=tower tag but did not realize that I could add tags on my own. I'll make small thumbnail image and then add the tower:type=stupa to the Wiki.
(22 Feb '13, 00:04)
@AlaskaDave: you can upload a full photo - the resizing to thumbnail (if needed) is done automatically by our wiki. If you want to upload a new photo: Please only upload photos of which you are the photographer (and select a free license in the license drop down under which you want to release your photo) or freely licensed photos.
(22 Feb '13, 00:58)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Thanks aseere. It sure wasn't obvious how to upload a photo, however. But after a few fits and starts was able to do it and the new tower:type is in the Wiki.
(22 Feb '13, 11:16)