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In I enter Pos@: 8.641502 49.199557 as start and Pos@: 8.642168 49.199722 as end. When I look for route it goes around instead of taking the passage underground the rail. This is wrong for pedestrians and for bicycles. THe path is marked as footpath but it is allowed for bicyles. Also it seems that a regional walking route (HW46) uses this paths.

Please can you tell why the route is not found correctly?

asked 21 Feb '13, 07:50

ESSnavik's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First this is not a bug tracker for external services. Second OpenRouteService hasn't updated its data since 2012-10-29 as shown in the upper right corner and the underground passage was added on 2013-01-17. You should use one of the other online routers. CloudMade for example routes correctly (although having outdated map tiles). Another working example is MapQuest Open.

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answered 21 Feb '13, 08:13

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Feb '13, 08:19

Great. Thanks!

(21 Feb '13, 08:42) ESSnavik

Please don't convert your comment back to an answer, this is not a forum :)

(21 Feb '13, 09:24) scai ♦

I first had it as answer and saw that a comment is better. Thanks.

How can I close or accept the answer? For me it is solved very good?

(21 Feb '13, 09:28) ESSnavik

To accept an answer click on the checkmark icon below the up/down thumbs.

(21 Feb '13, 09:33) scai ♦

Thanks a lot.

(21 Feb '13, 09:54) ESSnavik

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question asked: 21 Feb '13, 07:50

question was seen: 2,984 times

last updated: 21 Feb '13, 09:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum