In I entered Pos@: 8.643856 49.239940 as start and Pos@: 8.638670 49.237443 as end. If I choose pedestrian the route goes over the bridge; if I choose bicylce it goes a long way around; the bridge is marked as cyclists dismount because it has a few steps. Please can you explain why it does not find the shortes path?
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Then I guess all those routing engines handle bicycle=dismount the same way as bicycle=no and try to avoid the bridge. This is a problem if those routers, you shouldn't change the tag because it is correct. By the way I saw you added a name tag to the bridge. This tag is only for the official name of the object and not for a description. Use the description or note tag instead. Thanks for the great answer. I removed the name and created it as description (under advanced settings, since I didn't find a field). Maybe I write to the router engines, if they want to check their settings. I think you have to put your comment as answer, that I can close it?
(21 Feb '13, 12:16)
I now tried and but they also don't work. Maybe they are not updated? Or is it an error in the data?
Your end point isn't anywhere near a way, did you copy the wrong coordinates?
The endpoints should be directly near both sides of the bridge on the street and on the forest path (red dotted line).
I guess your endpoint should be somewhere around Pos@: 8.643672 49.231793 and this is the route you are trying. If not please specify a link (use the Route Link behind Extras/Download).
My guess is that either those routing services try to avoid steps at all for bicycles or don't understand bicycle=dismount and handle it as bicycle=no. Note that especially bicycle routing seems to be still very experimental for most routing services.
Right. The pedestrian path is right and I would expect the cycle path to be the same.,49.23994&end=8.6438384,49.2395029&pref=Bicycle&lang=en&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false
I also tried naviki and it does not find the right path: (put 'Route von hier' at the A of 'Am Bahnhof' and the 'Route hierher' (right mouse) down on the dotted line; mark shortes route.)[dst][0]=rot-malsch&tx_naviki_pi_routing_request[dst][1]=rot-malsch&tx_naviki_pi_routing_request[option]=SHORTEST&tx_naviki_pi_routing_request[avoidGradients]=0#lat=49.238569999999996&lon=8.641479&zoom=17