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Is there a frisbee golf tag? The sport's popular in our area and I wanted to put it on the map.

asked 19 Feb '13, 21:40

SD%20Mapman's gravatar image

SD Mapman
accept rate: 0%

Found via the search box (top right) of your docu wiki: a page about disc golf - there seems to be no documented established version - just two proposals. If you like join the discussion there (here on this page is not the right place for a discussion). Also see the taginfo links for the current usage (two also linked on the wiki page):

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answered 19 Feb '13, 22:01

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%


I believe disc golf is the more international name as frisbee involves some trademark issues in various places I think.

(20 Feb '13, 00:19) EdLoach ♦

According to taginfo, "sport=frisbee_golf" has been used 3 times so far.

People have given a bit of thought to how golf courses can be mapped, and as I understand it, some of the same features (or at least same sorts of features) apply to frisbee golf, so you may be able to borrow from that page too.


No, as hendrikklaas spotted, disc_golf is much more widely used, so use that instead of "frisbee_golf".

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answered 19 Feb '13, 21:53

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 19 Feb '13, 21:59

Hi SD Mapman, You could consider these remarks as they were made in a proposal, leisure=disc_golf_course or sport=disc_golf. Greetz

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answered 19 Feb '13, 21:54

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 19 Feb '13, 21:40

question was seen: 4,199 times

last updated: 20 Feb '13, 00:19

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