I can't figure out why only Firefox shows 'More osm coming soon" while Chrome/Chromium works perfectly. I checked the tile server blocking under firefox Edit / Preferences / Content / LoadImagesAutomatically / Exceptions and it is empty (as mentioned in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/More_OSM_coming_soon). Firefox makes the GET requests for the tiles properly but doesn't load in the browser. Could someone help? The server url is http://map.bibek.com.np:3000/ |
I'm not sure what, but there's something non-standard about the way OpenLayers is configured there (within the rails port website). Wrong projections or something. In Safari your site looks ok, but even then, I notice the error tiles are appearing before the correct map appears. For comparison, here is a standard OpenLayers invocation pointed at your tile server, which all looks OK. |
Directly displaying the tiles works also in Firefox (see for example http://b.tile.bibek.com.np/osm_tiles2/5/16/10.png ).
see http://browsershots.org/http://map.bibek.com.np:3000/ , seems to be only specifiv versions of firefox
@gormo strange that gecko based browsers do not work. And most firefox versions do not work apparently. Opera and Chrome seem to work fine. Any help would be great.