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when drawing a road in potlatch, it is often not connected to some other road even if i click close to it. how can i ensure that the roads are connected and share a common node ?

asked 07 Jul '10, 11:25

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

When you're drawing a road, you can tell whether you're going to make the connection with another road by a number of visual hints:

  • The pointer changes to a pen with a + (for a new node), an X (for an existing node), or an O (for an end node). If you've turned custom pointers off, it turns to a hand instead.
  • The nodes on the road light up blue.
  • If you're hovering over an existing node, a little tip appears at the top right, saying "over point".

Once you've made the connection, it should show up with a black outline around the node. If you only see the node without an outline, you haven't made the connection.

You can also start drawing a new road with it already connected to another road. To do this shift-click on an existing node belonging to the other road. You then can continue to draw as normal. If there isn't a handy node available in the right place then shift-click on the way to create one. This is useful for roads you want connected at both ends.

If you're having difficulty making connections, then make sure "Use thin lines at all scales" isn't checked (in the preferences - the tick at the bottom left).

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answered 07 Jul '10, 11:31

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 16 Jul '10, 10:47

randomjunk's gravatar image


One more thing (to add to Richard's answer): if you're starting a way and want to connect the first node to another way, you'll have to start it at an existing node by shift-clicking on that node. If there is no existing node, shift-click on the way where you want the node, then shift-click again.

You can also check what a node is connected to by using the inspector (hit I) and selecting the node.

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answered 16 Jul '10, 05:48

NE2's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 07 Jul '10, 11:25

question was seen: 8,679 times

last updated: 16 Jul '10, 10:47

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