This is related to my last question: Since there is no way to see if Nominatim is being precise in the request, I thought about delimiting specific areas using OSM API. Then I save the delimited areas into a database and check to see if the point is inside those areas. If it is, then use Nominatim. Else, he redirects to another reverse geocoder. Also, the user can have the possibility to map that area, so it uses Nominatim next time. So, is the API capable of doing what I want? Thanks. |
The main api of OpenStreetMap is meant for editors. While it could do what you want, you shouldn't use it for that. Luckily there is an alternative that you can use: The Overpass API. Look at the following two links for a solution for rectangular areas:
And the next one for areas with other shapes: Hey cartinus, thanks again for the quick response. I'll surely look into the Overpass API.
(16 Feb '13, 00:58)