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looking for help on obtaining the correct export scale of 1:63,360 to match our alidade in the fire tower. if anyone can help me with setting the map up please reply.

also looking for a azimuth overlay to add to the map

please email me at [email address removed for spam protection - and: answers are usually given here on this page]


asked 14 Feb '13, 18:51

Warden1716a's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 15 Feb '13, 14:24

gormo's gravatar image


The export tab allows you to specify the required scale when exporting to Map Image format.

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answered 15 Feb '13, 06:13

Firefishy's gravatar image

Firefishy ♦♦
accept rate: 29%

be sure to print the map at the needed DPI setting (cross-check with given map)

(15 Feb '13, 11:00) gormo

i tried that when i enter that scale the export button greys out

(15 Feb '13, 11:13) Warden1716a

Then the area is larger than what is supported.

(15 Feb '13, 11:18) Firefishy ♦♦

In other words you have a limit on scale depending on the zoom level. Try a different zoom level. Also note the "max" scale hint below the scale field, it changes with zoom level (at least it does using german locale settings, not sure if it does with english one, too).

1:63,360 seems to work at level 11 and lower.

(15 Feb '13, 11:22) gormo

when i zoom into a smaller level i lose the ability to specify that scale of 1: 63360

(15 Feb '13, 11:28) Warden1716a

Yes, you do. It is intentional, I suppose, for performance reasons probably.

(15 Feb '13, 14:24) gormo

@gormo: the question is: which is the correct DPI? I could not find it out. I also could not find a service in OSM_on_Paper (by reading the descriptions and having a closer look at some) which allows to define a specific scale/zoom level. A pdf export would be very suitable since the paper size and therefore the resolution is easily fixed. Probably the task could be solved with some heavy mapping tools - like GMT ... sad for our average end-user

(15 Feb '13, 21:10) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

Some possibilites to get a well printed map are collected at OSM_on_Paper

Also do a search on this FAQ site for the keywords like "print", "map", "scale" or similar.

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answered 15 Feb '13, 15:42

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 14 Feb '13, 18:51

question was seen: 4,077 times

last updated: 15 Feb '13, 21:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum