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As a beginner, how would you suggest I record stepping stones (if at all)?

A footpath crosses a small river on stepping stones. There is no road, no ford or bridge. How would I show this? I can't find anything relevant in the wiki, the closest entry is a vehicle ford.

Thanks, John

asked 03 Jan '11, 11:43

Tooslow's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks R, I'll give that a go. John

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answered 03 Jan '11, 16:16

Tooslow's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please refrain from using "answer" as a reply to a specific answer by a different user. Use "add new comment" next time.

(05 Jan '11, 21:15) ALE

You might also want to make it a bit more formal by marking the answer as accepted. :)

(11 Aug '11, 16:28) LM_1

Looking at the tagwatch i found the following:

  • SteppingStones=yes 1 usage
  • stepping_stones=yes 3 usages
  • bridge=stepping_stones 14 usages
  • ford=stepping_stones 32 usages

The last one is also documented in wiki and it is probably the best way to tag stepping stones.

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answered 03 Jan '11, 12:27

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%


And there's also "highway=stepping_stones" (23 uses according to tagstat -

(25 Jan '11, 15:31) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 03 Jan '11, 11:43

question was seen: 7,272 times

last updated: 11 Aug '11, 16:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum