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I am a snowboarding enthusiast with as many weeks of boarding as possible each year in the alps and NorthAmerica. I would love to support the piste maps project.

Next trip will commence end of the week - Jackson Hole for 2 weeks. For fun and my own data collection I will be tracking my days using 2 different devices at once (yes, I know I sound like a geek). I guess this data might be useful also for the project and I would love to help out - but I have no clue how.

Who would be interested in the GPS data / where is an easy FAQ / better a howto on getting started?


asked 12 Feb '13, 05:32

lumihei's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Feb '13, 05:35

Hi and welcome lumihei! You either could just upload your GPS tracks to help others a bit, or, much better, you use that info and your (mind) notes to directly create (if they are already in our data) or modify (if they are already in our data and you think your position data/meta information is better/more accurate) those pistes.

Read about that piste project and the specific tagging involved and see our Beginner's guide for a general how to (including how to upload GPS data). A FAQ is right here or at FAQ in our wiki (and the linked pages on top) or just search our wiki.

Please comment if that was clear enough for your. You also may make your initial question more specific. If you have different questions which are not already answered at then please ask a new question.

permanent link

answered 12 Feb '13, 12:52

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Also worth noting: Many maps render, in different ways, the data from the OpenStreetMap project. So the data you enter here will contribute to the standard OSM map, as well as more snow sport-specific maps, like this one:

(13 Feb '13, 18:42) barte

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question asked: 12 Feb '13, 05:32

question was seen: 4,062 times

last updated: 13 Feb '13, 18:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum