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My name is Henry, and i'm currently working on a Kudos prodcution Called 'The Tunnel' for Sky Atlantic.

I have been told by someone i know who worked on a show called 'Lewis' that he cleared your a part of your map for use.

I need a map for a scene when someone is looking at a map function on their laptop.....Can i clear your maps, if i can how do i go about doing this. I would need it very soon as we are shooting it this coming Friday.

My email is

Many thanks, Henry

asked 11 Feb '13, 13:34

henryw12's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


i will recommend roku device for your tv. if you don't know how to setup goto and as far as maps are concerned download garmin lifetime updater or garmin map updates free download 2020

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answered 24 Oct '20, 10:33

james%20lane's gravatar image

james lane
accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Oct '20, 10:35

I suspect that you really just want to have shots of someone using the main "slippy map" web site. I presume by 'cleared', you mean to get the appropriate permissions. This might be no more onerous than giving the appropriate credit. This page: is probably the place to start looking for guidance.

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answered 11 Feb '13, 14:19

G3YAC's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


Good point, that's another valid interpretation of "cleared". OSM must be credited, and the obvious place for that is simply the end-credits, alongside the usual actors, crew, sponsors and miscelany.

(11 Feb '13, 14:41) Vincent de P... ♦
(11 Feb '13, 15:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

Not sure what you mean by "clear the map". Two possibilities :

  1. You want to draw a map without some details, for example not displaying shops or housenumbers
  2. You want to draw a map modified to fit your scenario, for example adding a fake building where the film action takes place.

For the first possibility, there are many tools to help you render a custom map. Two of the most common are tilemill and maperitive. I'll let you follow those links for the howtos.

The second possibility is like the first, except that you need to alter the actual map data beforehand. Since we are all contributing to the same database, you should not contribute any fake for-the-movie data. But you can easily download the desired area using josm, edit it to fit your movie, and then save as an .osm file. Just make sure that your fake data is not uploaded to the main osm db. Once you have that .osm file, you can tell tilemill or maperitive to render from your modified file.

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answered 11 Feb '13, 14:07

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 11 Feb '13, 13:34

question was seen: 4,605 times

last updated: 24 Oct '20, 10:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum