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Hello, what is the best open and free solution that provides webservices for calculating the shortest path and the POI in a specific location.
Other question :) : can I use MapQuest for commercial use.

Thank you :)

asked 11 Feb '13, 13:06

Yahya_Romdhane's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Feb '13, 14:00


My dear Yahya,

Your questions at this FAQ site seem to be that you want us to serve you each meal that you only need to chew on your own. I already gave you some hints to the OSM wiki, there you can find all informations for your aims.

Please do more investigations on your own, then we can help you more if you get stuck in detail somewhere.

About your questions: Similar to: What is the best car brand in the world??? it is an answer that you have to find yourself, see the wiki.

And why don't you have a look at mapquest's website /disclaimer or write an email to them and ask about their use?

(11 Feb '13, 14:47) stephan75

I'm doing a huge effort, but after getting some informations I ask to verify my choices. I'm sorry for using your FAQ even I didn't get any answer in this FAQ and this is very hopeless

(11 Feb '13, 16:03) Yahya_Romdhane

@Yahya: for more specific questions, you can also try one of the OSM mailing lists, see

There are topics like Routing or Development

(12 Feb '13, 07:26) stephan75

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question asked: 11 Feb '13, 13:06

question was seen: 4,700 times

last updated: 12 Feb '13, 07:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum