I'm trying to install Osmosis on Windows XP. I moved the osmosis-0.38 folder into my profile under documents and settings. Do I need to move the .bat and .jar files into the main directory out of the folder. When I try to run the script to merge two files, I get an error that says "unable to access jarfile osmosis.jar" Is there anything else I need to do to install it? |
You should not need to move the bat or jar files from their unzipped directory locations. You should be able to run osmosis.bat from the bin directory. This old forum discussion gives some messy solutions for getting osmosis classpaths to work However things have moved on since then. I think osmosis launch scripts (osmosis.bat for windows) have changed to use some 1
Osmosis 0.38 works if the .bat file is called from its initial location (as Harry says this was not true for much older versions (0.29 & 0.31). I usually run it from the osmosis directory and mostly I will write another batch file so that I dont forget how I've used the osmosis options. So binosmosis.bat --rx file=....
(08 Jun '11, 09:54)
SK53 ♦