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Hi, so far I only succeeded in putting an icon of my shop on the map. I would also like to add the name of it as other shops do? How do I do that? Thank you Nina

asked 10 Feb '13, 09:31

Laubharke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The default render that you see at doesn't currently render shop=alcohol which is why you can see the house number. If you are looking at a different map that uses OpenstreetMap data then that might. And it might or might not show the name, depending on both whether the style will display the name, and whether the name might clash with any other names (at which point various rules determine which appears).

I've assumed by the way that your OSM editing name is the same as the one you've posted with here. If I've got the wrong node perhaps you can click permalink on the map you are viewing and copy the results here as a comment.

permanent link

answered 10 Feb '13, 11:30

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 10 Feb '13, 09:31

question was seen: 3,445 times

last updated: 10 Feb '13, 11:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum