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I travel the UK extensively and use Google maps to virtually explore the area I happen to be in the time. However I can't do it offline so I was excited to find out about the OSM project. I've downloaded Quo mapping software as it has may import options, but now I am stuck as to how to download OSM mapping to import into Quo. If Quo isn't supported by OSM, who is and how do I get the maps please?

asked 10 Feb '13, 00:52

boristhemoggy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Feb '13, 14:03

cartinus's gravatar image


Quo might look like free software, but it is just a way for mapyx to sell maps. Since you wanted to use Quo, I'm guessing you want to do the offline viewing on a desktop/laptop computer running Windows.

One way to view OSM maps offline on Windows is to install Garmin Basecamp and one of the many OSM based Garmin maps. E. g. this map of the British Isles.

permanent link

answered 10 Feb '13, 13:27

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

... or enter keywords like "offline map" or "offline display" or similar in the search box of this FAQ site to get even more hints.

(11 Feb '13, 12:26) stephan75

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question asked: 10 Feb '13, 00:52

question was seen: 6,895 times

last updated: 11 Feb '13, 12:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum