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How often is updated? I have a link in my software to to send addresses for search of house numbers. I have uploaded addr:interpolation = 6658-7044 for the street segments, and have retrieved the same data from OSM, but still do not see it on Is there another web site which I may use to search by street number which will produce the interpolated street number and display the location graphically?


asked 09 Feb '13, 05:14

Lew6876's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't believe that s OSM related. of course is (hence the "these maps are different" link at the top).

1: http://

(10 Feb '13, 21:14) SomeoneElse ♦

I believe that the main MapQuest site is not using OSM data for most countries. Refer to the MapQuest OSM page for the address of Mapquest Open for other countries.

Because Nominatim indexes so much data, the Mapquest Open search or the Nominatim search on the main OSM site may get several months behind. Recently, main Nominatim search on the OSM site was current to within 1 day of data updates and should see your data.

permanent link

answered 09 Feb '13, 11:53

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 09 Feb '13, 05:14

question was seen: 5,778 times

last updated: 10 Feb '13, 21:14

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