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Hello sir,

thanks in advance.

i want to set zoomlevel different city/state) wise which we show all tracker on that zoom level.

an example here:: if my all tracker are running in Kenya and nearest Nairobi. now, if show 5 track on map(diferent city.satate) at a time one in out of nairobi,second one nearest to nairobi and so on, i want to zoom level set should be all tracker show on in one view port.

asked 08 Feb '13, 13:57

Addon%20Solution's gravatar image

Addon Solution
accept rate: 0%


I'm guessing that you're displaying a web map and perhaps using something like OpenLayers or Leaflet to do so. Is that correct? Could you provide a bit more information?

(08 Feb '13, 14:08) SomeoneElse ♦

Maybe it will be clearer if you draw an example of what you want.

(08 Feb '13, 14:45) gormo

Hello Sir,

Thanks in advance.

i want to set zoomlevel as different city/state wise which showing all tracker(diferent city/state) so, i need to set zoomlevel according to that city/state and also tracker show on center on map

(11 Feb '13, 05:12) Addon Solution

Hi, Thanks. I am using openlayer. My questions was like this : when i have 3 or any points on map then the i want to set zoom level, that each point will show on map. Means according to points, i want to set zoom level , so user can see all the points at a same time.

(11 Feb '13, 09:59) Addon Solution

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question asked: 08 Feb '13, 13:57

question was seen: 6,931 times

last updated: 11 Feb '13, 09:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum