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from this amazing answer --

1) the person said to start with small sets of data like on but it's not labelled or anything. i dont know if these data are the outlines of each state, or if they are statistical, or if they are trees in those states. it's so confusing. it's not labelled.

2) and for -- i think the person said that this page has a map to the whole planet, so where in the world is that one download link? i dont see it anywhere.

you know how on many webpages, you have ONE BIG BUTTON that says to download? i dont see it here. or maybe it's a small but visible "start now" button -- -- or something else everyone understands --

asked 08 Feb '13, 03:34

new2mapping's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Feb '13, 07:16

Roland%20Olbricht's gravatar image

Roland Olbricht


Everything is explained, just read :(

(08 Feb '13, 06:10) scai ♦

no it's not, very little is explained -- this is how you explain --

(08 Feb '13, 06:42) new2mapping

this is how you explain --

(08 Feb '13, 06:45) new2mapping

you have ONE BIG BUTTON that says to download? i dont see it here.

That's because OpenStreetMap is many things to many people. Some want a draggable, zoomable map like Google Maps. Others want a free map to put on their Garmin. Some want placename lookups. Some want iPhone apps. Still more want data for their database. And so on.

If we had ONE BIG BUTTON for each of those, the front page would be full of BIG BUTTONS and it'd be no easier to use. Instead, we take the approach that OpenStreetMap is the foundation of an ecosystem that enables a thousand other projects to flourish. We don't seek to provide everything on itself and you shouldn't expect to find everything there.

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answered 08 Feb '13, 09:33

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 08 Feb '13, 11:20

1) The Geofabrik downloads are everything in the area. Everything. You would need to extract the particular data from that you are interested in. Individual trees will be natural=tree, larger areas will be natural=wood or landuse=forest. For more tags for other items, and details on the ones I have mentioned you really need to study

2) Try "Latest Weekly Planet File" if you want all the data for the whole world. All explained in the text below "Complete OSM Data" as scai suggests. Alternatively for a .pbf version of the bzip compressed one linked, navigate to the pbf folder and select planet-latest.osm.pbf - this will save you 6GB of download and might be easier to process depending what you plan on doing with it.

permanent link

answered 08 Feb '13, 09:14

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 08 Feb '13, 03:34

question was seen: 5,588 times

last updated: 08 Feb '13, 11:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum