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this is for arcgis or qgis, whichever one is better, not sure yet (please tell me)

asked 07 Feb '13, 19:35

new2mapping's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Feb '13, 21:57

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

Taking ArcGIS as an example, there's a nice wiki page explaining how it can work with OSM data, with lots of links on it to other resources.

The "my aim is to get the map" statement is a little confusing. What you see on the front page of OSM's website is a map that's been created using OSM data. What you'd load into ArcGIS is that OSM data. The whole planet is available here, but that's a huge volume of data. It would make more sense to try a smaller extract of the data, perhaps from here. From looking at the ArcGIS screenshots on the wiki page above it looks like it can also import direct from the OSM servers, but that is going to be limited to the area of a small town or so.

If you've not read it already, I'd have a read of this section of the beginners' guide to see how OSM data is structured into nodes, ways and relations. You'll need to know that so that you can select e.g. rivers and trees.

Finally, if you need to filter out a certain subset of data from something that you've downloaded, you might find osmfilter and osmconvert helpful.

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answered 08 Feb '13, 01:50

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

can you put this one on the front page and on the best guides in the world also? thanks

(08 Feb '13, 03:35) new2mapping

I think there is no ready made map with your desired features because no one is able to know your aims in advance.

but on this FAQ site there are already some hints how to get raw OSM data that consists only of some features.

Do a keyword search here for geofabrik, planet, osmfilter ... and you will get some results that maybe helps.

A further option is to use the overpassAPI webservice to get only map features that you need. Do a search about it in the OSM wiki.

If you have assembled your right OSM data you need, then choose a good Renderer to visualize that data and create a map graphic that you want.

About Rendering, ther are also some hints on this FAQ site or in the OSM wiki.

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answered 07 Feb '13, 22:17

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

this is kinda confusing...... and my aim is to get the map -- can you help with the other questions, thanks

(08 Feb '13, 00:29) new2mapping

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question asked: 07 Feb '13, 19:35

question was seen: 2,820 times

last updated: 08 Feb '13, 03:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum