Hello, Is there a way to get information about the current zone from OpenStreetMap shapefile ? I mean, I need info whether I am inside the city or outside the city. Is there an attribute that I could use for that ? |
From the gheofabrik shapefiles (assuming you use geofabrik shapes) there is no easy way, as they don't contain admin boundaries. If you had a shapefile with each city as a polygon you could use standard GIS Software (e.g. QGis, ArcGIS) or command line OGR tools (don't know which, though) to determine if your point is inside the "city" polygon. What's your application/use for the information? Maybe there is a better way. city limits : e.g. rural or urban, it's something like administration borders I've found Tag:boundary=administrative, does it mean that when the value of admin_level = 8 then i'm inside the city, and <> 8 means outside ? I am using http://downloads.cloudmade.com/ to get shapefiles. One shapefile per country, not per city.
(07 Feb '13, 12:40)
Hi Lukasz, just a hint: data downloads from cloudmade.com seem to be very outdated, from December 2011! Have a look at http://geofabrik.de ... they offer up-to-date data files.
(07 Feb '13, 22:43)
LukaszP, could you tell more about this question ? What do you mean by the city limits, administration borders or other limits ? And secondly what the apparatus youre using ? Greetz