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Hi there all,

while becoming familiar ( and generally playing around with Postgresql + osm data ) with the mapping data system I discovered a set of records, contained within the australia.osm.pbf extract, which might be considered suspect...? I'll let higher authorities pass final judgement, however I include the following SQL style report on what I found.

-- QUERY: ~/Development/sql/suspect_tag_report.sql --

-- AUTHOR: MjF - 7 Feb 2013 -- -- HOST SYSTEM: SuSE Linux 12.1, postgresl 9.1, PostGIS 2.0 -- -- DB EXTENSIONS: hstore, plpsql, postgis, postgis_topology -- -- OSM DATA: osmosis <== regional data file 'australia.osm.pbf' -- -- OSM SOURCE: GeoFabrik - 1/2/2013 --

SELECT tags->'ref' AS tag_ref, tags->'name' AS tag_name, tags->'note' AS tag_note, tags->'power' AS tag_power, tags->'source' AS tag_source, tags->'addr:street' AS tag_addr_street, tags->'addr:suburb' AS tag_addr_suburb, tags->'attribution' AS tag_attribution, tags->'wp:location' AS tag_wp_location, tags->'wp:location_name' AS tag_wp_location_name FROM public.nodes WHERE tags->'source' = 'Western Power';

-- Above query returns 371 rows with similar output to that which is -- described below.

-- SAMPLE OUTPUT: single record - fields of concern marked with ''. -- ---------- -- tags->'ref' ==> | 605393 | -- ---------- -- tags->'name' ==> | 605393 | -- ***** -- tags->'note' ==> * This data has been extracted from a -- * Western Power database and should -- * not be uploaded to the OSM database. -- ***** -- tags->'power' ==> | pole | -- ----------------- -- tags->'source' ==> | Western Power | -- ----------------- -- tags->'addr:street' ==> | Absolon St | -- -------------- -- tags->'addr:suburb' ==> | Bumbleyung | -- ***** -- tags->'attribution' ==> * Permission NOT granted for reuse -- ****** -- tags->'wp:location' ==> | 1 E Dawson St | -- ----------------- -- tags->'wp:location_name' ==> | 605393 | -- ---------- -- ---------------------< END OF SAMPLE OUTPUT>----------------------

I wonder if someone could take a look at this as it seems rather suspect on first viewing, comments? Suggestions?

Regards, Michael.

asked 07 Feb '13, 07:28

MJFalconer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 13 Jan '15, 01:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hmmm...i think things are not that easy at they seem. In Australia's case, the Western Power can be Russia, but this is a Eastern Power. Extrapolating that, America is The Eastern Power in this case but America is a Western Power. So all this raise a question: Why can't we just......get along....^-^

(07 Feb '13, 08:27) Kaigara

The above example is this node: if that helps the DWG at all.

(07 Feb '13, 08:58) EdLoach ♦

@Kaigara: "Western Power" is probably the name of a power company.

(07 Feb '13, 12:23) gormo

The question has been closed for the following reason "Relevant link has been given. This issue has been resolved by the DWG." by aseerel4c26 13 Jan '15, 01:35


Thanks for the report. The relevant nodes have been deleted and redacted.

Paul Norman,
For the Data Working Group

permanent link

answered 08 Feb '13, 01:58

pnorman's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

Thank you for reporting this. OSM has the Data Working Group to deal with such issues.

I've sent them a mail with a pointer to this question. So I think you will get an answer in a couple of days here.

permanent link

answered 07 Feb '13, 08:33

Roland%20Olbricht's gravatar image

Roland Olbricht
accept rate: 36%

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question asked: 07 Feb '13, 07:28

question was seen: 4,314 times

last updated: 13 Jan '15, 01:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum