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ArcGIS Desktop basic 10.1 with SP1, and OSM editor 2.1 fresh install.

Starting the "Download, Extract, and Symbolize OSM Data" tool makes ArcCatalog lock up. The tool windows says not responding, Windows Task Manager shows ArcCatalog using 600+ MB of RAM, and it sits there for a minute or two before apparently returning. Clicking anywhere on the download extract and symbolize tool causes another lockup, another 600+ MB of RAM activity. Network activity remains at zero bps.

Any ideas why trying to enter tool parameters would burn so many cycles, effectively rendering the tools broken? How to fix it?

asked 06 Feb '13, 22:20

Granite's gravatar image

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I guess you should complain to ArcGIS, not to the OSM community which is not responsible for all tools using OSM data.

(07 Feb '13, 10:19) Pieren

I guess you don't know OSM Editor is open source, meaning the OSM community wrote it and would probably like to know when it is not working correctly.

Useful followup: the download OSM data tool works fine, only the combined download extract and symbolize tool is burning CPU cycles.

(07 Feb '13, 16:57) Granite

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question asked: 06 Feb '13, 22:20

question was seen: 4,216 times

last updated: 07 Feb '13, 16:57

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