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I have seen that is reachable over IPv6. But the tileservers are not. Is this for a special reason?




asked 06 Feb '13, 20:56

DonatelloXX's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Unfortunately there is.

OpenStreetMap servers are hosted predominantly in two locations: At University College London and at Imperial College. While IC has IPv6 connectivity, UCL does not offer it currently. The main tileserver is hosted at UCL and thus can't server tiles via IPv6 directly.

However, in the current setup the tiles aren't served directly from the tileserver anyway, but fronted by a set of squid proxy servers at a variety of distributed locations to act as a CDN. Although as far as I am aware some of those locations do have IPv6 connectivity it is still not possible to enable IPv6. The proxy servers use squid 2.x and squid doesn't support IPv6 until version 3.1. Unfortunately it currently isn't possible to update to a newer version of squid, as some of the features needed (e.g. tile throttling) do not work with squid 3.x.

I am sure the admins will otherwise enable IPv6 on the tile server as well as soon as the technical problems are worked out.

permanent link

answered 07 Feb '13, 06:17

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


BTW: Do you know how much Bandwidth is needed for the Tileservers? We have a 10MBit Fiber-Connection here in Austria. If the Admins are interested in i could setup an IPv6 Reverse-Proxy to the Tileservers (Or two in different Locations). But this would only make Sense if the Bandwidth isn't to low for IPv6 Traffic.

EDIT: Google says that 1% of of the Overall Internet-Traffic is IPv6 Traffic. How much IPv4-Bandwith is used by the Tileservers?

(08 Feb '13, 22:57) DonatelloXX

On the osm webservers that are IPv6 enabled, the percentage of IPv6 was recently about 0.3%. The total of tile server traffic can be seen at and can reach about 250 - 300 Mbit/s This traffic is currently served by 5 different reverse proxies, whos location you can see at

(12 Feb '13, 21:16) apmon

Currently 3 of the 5 reverse tile proxies do have IPv6 connectivity (The London, Brisbane and Sjöbo proxies). So once the software issue of upgrading to an IPv6 capable squid is solved (or using a different IPv6 capable reverse proxy software), comprehensive IPv6 connectivity should be no problem anymore.

(12 Feb '13, 21:22) apmon

Please enable support Ipv6, otherwise competitors tiles (Google, Yandex) are available, but favorite OpenstreetMap - no.

Also need statistics and monitored separately via IPv4 and via IPv6, because they are two different Internet.

(17 Jan '17, 10:43) bekreyev

That isn't a question or an answer.

(17 Jan '17, 12:10) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 06 Feb '13, 20:56

question was seen: 3,221 times

last updated: 17 Jan '17, 12:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum