I have both a PostGIS database with OSM data imported, and the same data in a SHP folder. By adding missing information to the downloaded OSM data, both in SHP and PostGIS, I'd be able to contribute with the project. If I need to also update my server from an OSM periodical diff, which would be the correct sequence of tasks? (I'm assuming that there is new info in OSM to download and new info on my server to upload, and that would be happening regularly). |
Both the Shape Files and the PostGIS database - assuming you're using an osm2pgsql or Imposm import - are data reduced; you cannot extract the orginal OSM data from it any more. Therefore, if you add data to your shape file or PostGIS, it will be very difficult to upload that enhancement in OSM. You would need a program that does roughly this:
Some people who want to run continuous imports have done some work in that direction but there's no plug and play solution for your problem. The best way to edit OSM is via one of the major editors, JOSM or Potlatch. |