I am interested in mapping the London congestion charging zone but there seems to be no formal tag for it. I can deduce from the OSM Inspector that "cc" is unusually short and therefore should be ignored, but what I hope to do at some point is tag affected roads with a key like "congestioncharge=yes" to imply the standard values like "fee=10" and "toll:motorcar=yes" and that would render on Mapnik as a zone with a red border, but what is unique is that it is £10 a day, not £10 a go. How do I get around to do this properly and what is the best way to do this because I am hoping that OSM could help drivers avoid the charge zone, with the number of drivers using OSM increasing. Thanks! |
Replying 8 years later, the London ULEZ also needs to be added. I imagine that this will be done as a Relation around the outside, rather than a giant area covering the ULEZ zone? OSM doesn't really have an "area" object, so a "relation around the outside" and "a giant area" boil down to the same thing. I'd have a look at how other things like this are tagged (not just in London, but around the world).
(12 Oct '21, 13:59)
SomeoneElse ♦
All 3 LEZ: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3937563
ULEZ: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/9418858
CCZ: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/3045928 (not clear why
(13 Oct '21, 12:36)
I was thinking about this as well PLUS the Ultra Low Emission Zone which reaches right out the North and South circulars, covering a massive chunk of London